This app provides you with a list of non-player characters (NPC) to use in your Pathfinder roleplaying game. It can help dungeon masters in session planning and liven up a gaming session by giving more depth to characters in any environment.
Had a rough encounter on the road? You might run into a Pilgrim (CR 3) who could tend wounds or provide a healing potion (provided you make a donation to her church, of course). Exploring a recently discovered ruin? You might run into an Archaeologist (CR 6) who can tell you secrets of relics and ancient culture.
Full support for tablets of all sizes.
*Note: If the links in the app don't work, please send me an e-mail with the link you clicked. All the links I've tried are working so far. Thanks!*
Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.
有一个粗略的道路上相遇?您可能会遇到朝圣者(CR)可能倾向于的伤口或提供一个治疗药水(只要你捐款给她的教会,当然)。探索一种新近发现的废墟吗?你可能会遇到一个考古学家(CR 6)谁可以告诉你秘密的文物和古代文化。
探路者的角色扮演游戏的兼容性需要探路者的角色扮演游戏从Paizo出版,LLC。探路者的角色扮演游戏的更多信息,请参阅。 Paizo出版,LLC不保证其兼容性,并不赞同这种产品。